Freier Videoreporter

Freier Videoreporter Concert Video Production Corporate Video Producer video reports

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From our results from over 20 years of video production

SV Blau Weiß Muschwitz Zorbau Göthewitz organizes children's and youth football...

Muschwitz, Sidney Rönnburg , children's and youth tournament, interview, Football, children's training camp, Göthewitz, Zorbau, SV Blau Weiß

Freier Videoreporter - top quality and at the best price - professional recording of concerts, events, discussions, theater performances...
... to publish them on TV, web, on Blu-Ray disc, DVD.

Little financial means, but big claims?

These two things are usually not possible at the same time. Freier Videoreporter is the exception to the rule. The cameras we use are modern, latest-generation models with large 1-inch image sensors. This ensures optimal image quality even in difficult lighting conditions. Added to this are programmable swivel heads, remote control ... this minimizes the personnel effort and significantly reduces costs.

These are included among other services

Parallel video recording with multiple cameras (multi-camera video production)

Freier Videoreporter offers you the multi-camera video recording and production. For such productions we use cameras of the same type. This ensures identical picture quality even with 4K/UHD. The video material is cut on high-performance computers. Freier Videoreporter offers the possibility to produce videos in 8K / UHD-II / UHDTV2 / 4320p as well.
Video production of theater performances, concerts, readings and more

When it comes to video recording theater performances, concerts, readings, etc., we naturally use the multi-camera method. The multi-camera video recording makes it possible to record the different areas of the performance from different perspectives. Remote-controlled cameras are used. The cameras are controlled from a central point with regard to zoom, sharpness and alignment. It only takes one person to control all the cameras. Additional cameramen are not required.
TV and video reports for radio and internet streaming

A wealth of experience has grown from many years as a video journalist. Several hundred TV reports, video reports and reports were produced and broadcast. The researched topics as well as the locations were very different and varied. The topics ranged from current news and information to cultural and sporting events, social events and much more. Due to our many experiences, we are able to work for you in almost all topics to produce TV reports and video reports.
Video production of interviews, round tables, discussion events, etc.

We also use multiple cameras to record interviews, round tables, discussion events, etc. Two cameras are sometimes sufficient if the questioner is not to be shown in the picture in interviews with only one person. In any case, more than two cameras are required when it comes to video recording of interviews and conversations with several people. Depending on whether it is an event with an audience, remote-controlled cameras can also be used here. If interviews, conversations or discussion rounds are recorded without an audience, there is no need for a motor pan tilt.
Video editing, video adjustment, audio editing

Of course, recording events, concerts, interviews and discussions is not enough. After video recording, video editing is the logical next step in video production. An important part of editing video material is adjusting and mixing the soundtracks or audio tracks. A complete video production includes the creation and integration of logos, blurbs and, if necessary, additional image, text and video material. You can also submit existing image, text, video and audio material. If, for example, the audio tracks of a concert recording are to be mastered, we can do this or you can supply it as a file.
Manufacture of CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs in small quantities

Freier Videoreporter offers small batch manufacturing of CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs. When it comes to archiving audio, video and data, CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs offer clear advantages. The shelf life of USB sticks, memory cards and hard drives is limited. The advantage of Blu-ray discs, DVDs and CDs is that they do not contain any electronic components. Blu-ray discs, DVDs and CDs for music and video are therefore the first choice as a souvenir, as a gift or for sale.

From our results from over 20 years of video production
Outlook on the future of SV Großgrimma's homeland festival and the club's role in promoting sport and community in the region, with comments from Anke Färber and other experts.

Report on the 26th home festival of SV Großgrimma with impressions of the various ... »
In an interview, Ivonne Pioch reports on the new facility of the Zeitz/Bergisdorf riding and driving club, which is located in Zeitz in the Burgenland district of Saxony-Anhalt and offers space for 70 to 80 horses and three large halls.

In an interview, Ivonne Pioch talks about the new facility of the Zeitz/Bergisdorf riding and ... »
More convincing than Sahra Wagenknecht's party: People's Party KDP - Consensus Democratic Party starts!

KDP - Consensus Democratic Party: A superior alternative to Sahra Wagenknecht's ... »
Film screening in the Naumburg cinema: Maya the Bee's wild sisters as a contribution to protecting the environment

NABU Merseburg Querfurt: Film screening about the death of bees and the consequences for ... »
-Wir zeitzen- was the title of the event on August 24th, 2019 in Posa Monastery as part of the Mendl Festival.

-Wir zeitzen- was the title of the event in Posa Monastery on August 24, 2019 as part of the ... »
The Nebra Sky Disc: Talk show in the Arche Nebra with Prof. Dr. Harald Meller and Christian Forberg

Author reading and discussion with Prof. Dr. Harald Meller and Christian Forberg on the book The ... »
No responsible person will take responsibility

No one responsible will take responsibility - the citizens' voice of ... »
Threatened, tormented, traumatized - a resident of the Burgenland district

Threatened, tormented, traumatized - A letter from a citizen of the Burgenland ... »
Memleben Monastery presents exhibition about St. Benedict and the Ottonians: insights into the history of the Middle Ages

Exhibition Knowledge + Power - Saint Benedict and the Ottonians in the Memleben monastery: A ... »
Concert recording of the music duo RoCoco in the castle church in Goseck

Video recording of the music formation RoCoco in the castle church in ... »
The city of Weissenfels receives a grant of 1.7 million euros for the redesign of the street Am Güterbahnhof. The grant decision was handed over today and includes, among other things, 34 parking spaces, 2 bus stops, a bus turning loop and barrier-free access to the pedestrian tunnel. Among others, Lord Mayor Robby Risch and Minister Thomas Webel were present.

A grant of 1.7 million euros for the redesign of the Am Güterbahnhof road was handed over in ...»
Opening of the exhibition "Lützen 1632 - big history in big pictures" in the "Red Lion" hall in Lützen: Interview with Dr. Inger Schuberth, a historian from the Swedish Lützen Foundation.

Historical event in Lützen: Interview with Dr. Inger Schuberth, a historian from the ... »

Freier Videoreporter almost anywhere in the world
中国人 | chinese | չինական
македонски | macedonian | makedonski
Ελληνικά | greek | greacă
Српски | serbian | serbneska
nederlands | dutch | dutch
suomalainen | finnish | Финланд
svenska | swedish | շվեդ
հայերեն | armenian | arménsky
français | french | ფრანგული
english | anglais | inglés
polski | polish | poljski
беларускі | belarusian | bealarúisis
deutsch | german | Герман
한국인 | korean | koreansk
עִברִית | hebrew | Еврей
Монгол | mongolian | mongolisht
latviski | latvian | латыш
বাংলা | bengali | bengali
suid afrikaans | south african | آفریقای جنوبی
eesti keel | estonian | estų
ქართული | georgian | georgiano
basa jawa | javanese | javanesisk
हिन्दी | hindi | hindi
bugarski | bulgarian | người bungari
українська | ukrainian | ukrajinčina
čeština | czech | کشور چک
lietuvių | lithuanian | lituano
português | portuguese | ポルトガル語
español | spanish | espagnol
فارسی فارسی | persian farsia | פרסיה פרסית
română | romanian | румунська
bahasa indonesia | indonesian | indonesesch
tiếng việt | vietnamese | ویتنامی
қазақ | kazakh | 카자흐어
türk | turkish | турецкий
Русский | russian | ryska
norsk | norwegian | norra keel
íslenskur | icelandic | icelandic
hrvatski | croatian | kroatisk
عربي | arabic | আরবি
magyar | hungarian | người hungary
slovenščina | slovenian | slovėnų
shqiptare | albanian | albanialainen
bosanski | bosnian | босански
slovenský | slovak | slovaški
malti | maltese | malteški
dansk | danish | danois
日本 | japanese | japanski
azərbaycan | azerbaijani | azerbaïdjanais
lëtzebuergesch | luxembourgish | луксембуршки
italiano | italian | italien
gaeilge | irish | irlandczyk

Mise à jour de cette page par Thu Idris - 2024.04.29 - 21:21:24